Panmela Castro: "Renata Souza", from the Vigil Series, 2020, detail
(Comporta, Portugal)
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, Galeria Luisa Strina and Sé are pleased to present O Canto do Bode [The Song of the Goat], a collaborative exhibition at the Casa da Cultura da Comporta, in Portugal. Three Brazilian galleries from different generations join global initiatives in building new working models: thirty-two artists represented by the galleries, in addition to four guest artists, will occupy a former cinema within the historic Casa da Cultura, at the Herdade da Comporta Foundation, which becomes a pop-up gallery from June until September. Among the participating artists are Tonico Lemos Auad, Pedro Victor Brandão, Panmela Castro, Marcius Galan, Lucia Laguna, Laura Lima, João Loureiro, Dalton Paula, Marina Rheingantz, Tadáskía, Erika Verzutti, Luiz Zerbini and Michel Zózimo.
Check out bellow more about the group show through part of it’s release text:
“The exhibition takes place in two acts and is structured like a play, with a scenography designed by the artist João Maria Gusmão, and a narrative that unfolds simultaneously in the audience, stage and backstage. The title refers to the Greek term tragoedia [tragos (“goat”) and oide (“song”)] and celebrates the Brazilian tradition of sacralizing the profane and profaning the sacred, deconstructing the dichotomy between the Dionysian and the Apollonian. In the staging of two exhibition acts, dialogues and synergies are established between artists from different generations who have followed different formal paths. The main plot of O Canto do Bode [The Song of the Goat] thus unfolds: the possibility of bringing together voices that propose new joint narratives”.
Pipa Prize